Saturday, May 16, 2015

Introducing Scarlett

         Well hello there! I'm Scarlett. This blog originally started out with just Alex, but then I just kinda hopped on over here and mmmmyeah okay here we are. Anyway, this is an introduction post, so I'm just going to tell you a little bit about myself. I like writing, so you'll probably get a few short stories and such. I'll also be posting reviews for books, shows, and movies, as well as recommendations. I'm a very fangirl-y person, so there'll be a lot of fangirling in my posts, too. I get distracted easily, but it can be pretty amusing at times. I love Nutella and Netflix. I think we should be best friends, and here is a gif of a cat to make your day a little bit better.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Once Upon A Time In Wonderland

          Okay, so I just finished watching this show and HOLY CHRISTMAS CAKES IT IS AMAZING! I don't understand how on earth this show could get disconnected. 
           So, this whole storyline of this show is there is an evil guy named Jafar and he wants the three genies so he can break the rules of magic. They are. 
1) You can't kill anyone
2) You can't bring anyone back from the dead
3) You can't make anyone fall in love. 
          One of the genies, Cyrus, ends up in wonderland, and a girl named Alice finds his bottle and they fall in love. She promises not to use her three wishes.  Jafar can't get the genie unless she makes her wishes so he tries and tortures her to make her use her wishes.
          So, this whole show is basically Alice and Cyrus trying to get back together and Alice and the Knave of hearts facing all the obstacles wonderland holds. 

Okay, so the last we know in ouat in wonderland Anastisia is alive, but in ouat Will/the Knave is dating Belle which means SOMETHING happened to Anastisia. BUT WHAT?!?

Anyways, I give this show a five out of five star review. 

Now here is some really cute pictures of Alice and Cyrus because why not?

Friday, May 1, 2015


          Hello! So, I have decided to start this blog because I have the NEED to fangirl and this way I can put my fangirl posts out there and not be judged for it. I do have experience blogging, I started a blog with some of my friends and it got pretty popular until they got "bored" with it. So, I decided to start my own blog.
          I want to put everything on this blog. Book reviews, movie reviews, TV reviews, just everything really. EVERYTHING! I also want to like post updates on book/movies/TV shows that I am anticipating.
          That was just a little intro on what is going to be on this blog. and myself, I really can't wait to share stuff with you guys. Feel free to comment ANYTHING! I will answer every comment.