Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Lady of the Lake, Sweet Dreams ~ Alex

The Lady Of The Lake

Synopsis (Taken from Wikipedia)

          Merlin rescues a lovely young Druid girl but her former captor says she was cursed.


          Well! I no longer ship Morgana and Merlin. I now ship Merlin and the Druid girl. Honestly, I know she was cursed but they are still adorable together as heck. 
Also, Merlin would literally be the best boyfriend ever. He saw her at her absolute worst and he STILL loves her like DAMN! That is just...DAMN! 

Sweet Dreams

Synopsis (taken from Wikipedia)

          Five kings gather in Camelot to sign a peace treaty, but one of them intends to scupper the talks. King Alined's jester uses magic to enchant Prince Arthur and the beautiful Lady Vivian to incite a war between her possessive father, King Olaf, and Camelot.


          So...can we just talk about how ridiculous Arthur acts when he is under a spell. It is probably the best thing ever. This love spell made him completely insane. I mean challenging a king for his daughters hand. Also, the king being THAT protective about his daughter. It's kind of just ridiculous. But that's why I loved this episode

Guys, you are probably going to hate me, but I am no longer going to be doing Merlin Reviews. I AM SORRY! I stopped watching it for a while and then when I went back to watch it I had to stop again and then I started watching Vampire Diaries because one of my friends who is obsessed with the show wanted me too, so I will Probably blog Vampire Diaries instead, but I will do it season per season and then eventually compare it to the books as soon as I read them. I am sorry! If you want me to finish blogging and reviewing Merlin, just comment and I will. It only takes one comment!