Monday, November 30, 2015

The Witchfinder, The Sins of the Father ~ Alex

The Witchfinder

Synopsis (taken from Wikipedia) 

          A harmless bit of magic by Merlin brings the wrath of Uther's witchfinder down on Camelot. The witchfinder accuses Merlin of being a sorcerer but it is Gaius who takes the fall.


          I can't even stress how much I love Gaius. He is defiantly my favorite character because he WAS willing to die completely for Morgana and Merlin both. He was willing to ruin his name in Camelot to die for them and names back then were a huge thing. 
          I also really appreciate how much Arthur stands up for Merlin and the trust Arthur has for Merlin.

I give this episode a 2.5 out of 5 stars

The Sins of the Father

Synopsis (taken from Wikipedia)

          Arthur faces a challenge from a mysterious knight who turns out to be a woman. He is forced to face Morgause in a battle to the death. She defeats him but spares his life in exchange for a promise to meet her and further tempts him with the knowledge that she knew his mother. What Arthur discovers when Morgause uses her sorcery to allow him to speak with his dead mother, forces Merlin to lie in order to stop Prince Arthur from killing his father.


          Why can't Uther just die already? Like seriously! He has made so many bad choices and it's just ridiculous. Especially after this episode it has made me hate him even more. And just ugh! Arthur just needs to be king already. 
          I have a really bad feeling that sorcerer in this show will be back later. She seems like a character who isn't going to stay away for long. 

I give this episode a 3 out of 5 stars

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Nightmare Begins, Lancelot and Guinevere ~ Alex

The Nightmare Begins

Synopsis (Taken from Wikipedia) 

          Morgana begins to suspect she has magic and Merlin wants to help despite Gaius' warning not to get involved. When Merlin assists Morgana to reach out to the Druids for help, King Uther declares she has been abducted and sends Arthur with a party of knights to kill the kidnappers and rescue Morgana.


          Let me just say this I ship Merlin and Morgana. There I said it people I said it. I ship Merlin and Morgana. Obviously they aren't my otp, nor will they be because Captainswan has that place filled. Mmmmmmm captainswan, but I ship Morgana and Merlin. 
          The reason I ship them is because in this episode Merlin defies what Gauis said to help Morgana feel special. He did it because he didn't want her to live in the dark like he had to. I just think it was very shippable of him.

I give this episode a 2 and a half stars out of five. 

Lancelot and Guinivere 


          A gang of criminals abduct Morgana and Guinevere intending to force King Uther to ransom his ward. When Morgana escapes, her abductor attempts to pass off Gwen as the king's ward. While imprisoned, Gwen discovers Lancelot working for the kidnappers. As Arthur and Merlin attempt to rescue Guinevere, she and Lancelot also make a bid for freedom.


          OKAY I DONT KNOW WHO TO SHIP GWEN WITH MORE!!! ARTHUR OR LANCELOT! I am pretty sure THAT ^ was the exact intent of the writers, and if so YOU WRITERS ARE EVIL LITTLE CREATURES!! Cruel cruel little buggers. 
          I ship Lancelot and Gwen so much because Lancelot is the sweetest thing on planet earth and he was willing to die for Gwen and he actually shows her his love for her. 
          Arthur on the other hand is sweet to her and he is the prince and he is trying to be a better man for her AND he is also willing to die for her, but he doesn't show his feeling for her BECAUSE HE CANT! Ugh!!! Why can't this show just be simple on shipping. 

Honestly though I give this episode a five out of five stars because I loved it so.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Beauty and the Beast - Part 1 and 2 ~ Alex

          Hey guys!!! Since this is a two parter episode I am just gonna clump the synopsis and review as one episode. Sound good? Good. Also, I have started taking the synopsis from Wikipedia because I find it so much easier than writing them myself, but it isn't plagerism as long as I quote it. And the "taken from Wikipedia" is me quoting it, and giving them credit. 

Beauty and the Beast

Synopsis (taken from Wikipedia) 

          The lone survivor of an attack on a nobleman's household and her odd servant obtain refuge with an old friend, King Uther, but she is not what she appears. Even when Merlin successfully unmasks the troll for what she really is, her enchantment continues to hold her new husband, King Uther. It will take Arthur's death to break the spell.


          Guys! I freaking loved these episodes. They were so amazingly hilarious. I think the funniest thing for me was definitely the second part where they unmasked her, but because of the spell he was under he still thought she was beautiful and not a troll. Even though she was completely acting natural. 
          Another thing I found hilarious was in the first part whenever she was alone she dropped her pasture and started acting like a troll. I have to give credit to the actress who played her, she has got some talent. 
 I give this episode a definite 5 out of 5 stars

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Dark Swan~ Alex

The Dark Swan Episode One of Once Upon A Time ~ Alex

Once Upon A Time

          Well hello there! So, if you guys haven't noticed yet, I am OBSESSED with a little show named Once Upon A Time. This show has now been going for five whole seasons and I have never been able to blog about it because my old blog was a book blog, but now this nifty new blog is an ALL THE THINGS blog which means you now get this weekly review of the show that came out this week. .

Synopsis (taken from 

          Immediately after becoming the Dark One, Emma disappears and the heroes must band together to save her, but first they have to find her, which will require the help of an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest, Emma struggles to resist her dark urges as she searches for Merlin in the hope that he can stop her transformation. Along the way to Camelot, she gets help from the plucky and brave warrior princess Merida, as well as King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table


          This episode of Once Upon A Time was amazing. I think that the producers were extremely creative by making Emma the dark one. I can't wait to see what the heck is going to happen from here. 
          I really hope they at least keep Captainswan, because they are my otp! Those two need to stay together, they really do! 
          I think Emma giving Regina the dark one's dagger was probably a really good idea because her logic was truthful. Regina is the only one who would kill her if it came down to it. 
The producers ALWAYS do this, but ending the episode in the way they did killed me. I want to know how on earth Emma became the dark one.
I give this episode a 3 out of 5 stars


Monday, November 2, 2015

The Curse of Cornelius Sigan and The Once and Future Queen ~ Alex

          Well hello there people of the Internet. Sooooooooo I'm back. And I am still not dead yet.

          Before I had done several Merlin reviews in one episode, but now I am only going to do two, because that means y'all will get more posts! YIPEE!

The Curse of Cornelius Sigan


          In the beginning some of the people in Camelot have struck a tumb of a dead warrior. A man comes to Camelot in search of riches and he hears about the tumb. He sabotages Merlin by taking his job and he gets close enough to Arthur to be able to get his keys and he gets into the tumb of the dead warrior.


          Let me just say this that man who took Merlin's job was stupid. He was a greedy stupid man. *spoiler alert* he was so stupid and greedy that he let a dead sorcerer take over his body. THE SORCERER WAS DEAD! 

          Other than the fact that I find the man utterly stupid, I do believe it was a good episode. It kept me entertained the whole time. 

          This episode is hard for me to remember though because I got half way through and then I had to stop because of reason and I didn't find the episode good enough to restart and watch from the beginning so, I just started from where I left off. But it wasn't the worst, but wasn't my favorite. 

I'd give this episode a 3 out of 5 stars

The Once and Future Queen


          In this episode of Merlin, Arthur is tired of being treated like the Prince. Everyone always goes easy on him when they are fighting him because he is the Prince. He decides to enlist the help of Merlin, who goes and finds a farmer from one of the villages and enrolls him in a jousting tournament. He does this so Arthur can then take his place so Arthur is allowed to fight opponents without them going easy. What Arthur doesn't know is by him "disappearing" from Camelot he was actually saving his life as a man is in Camelot to kill him. 


           First of, I ship Arthur and Gwen! THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER AND I SHIP THEM! The good thing is if anyone knows anything about the original myth of King Arthur, they'll know Gwen and Arthur do get married. This show hasn't followed the myth very well, but...I hope they follow this part at least. 

          Anyways, I found this episode really good. I loved how Arthur was trying and making an effort to have Gwen not treat him like a Prince and he actually sat there and let her tell him what was wrong with him and what he was doing wrong. 

          Also, I find Arthur extremely attractive so seeing him fight basically the whole episode was AMAZING. 

          I give this episode a 3.5 out of 5 stars. It wasn't a horrible episode, and it wasn't 3 stars worthy, but I feel like 4 stars would be an overstatement. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Shippity Shippity Ship Ship Ship ~ Alex

          Hey there people of earth! I have't forgotten about yall just yet. I have just been super busy with school! I am so sorry. I haven't been able to start season 2 of Merlin yet because I do not have netlflix and the website I use to watch TV shows is not loading Merlin, so I am stuck.
           What I AM going to do for you all is write a post. This post is going to basically be all the people who are my OTPs and a short description about why because why not torture myself with millions of cute gifs and pictures right?

My number one OTP is Captainswan from Once Upon A Time. 

Like I may say that other couples are my OTP, but I am sorry it will always be Captainswan and Captainswan will remain my favorite.

The reason they are my number one OTP is because they are just so cute. Hook is an (Ex) villian and he wants to be good because he is in love with Emma. I mean I find that adorable. He changed his evil ways for a girl that he is in love. Also, In the current season (Before Emma goes all dark one) whenever the Emma is about to embrace the darkness Hook always helps her through it and when she did do a dark deed she automatically went to Hook and kissed him trying to keep her thoughts good.

My second favorite OTP(s) is Cyrus and Alice from Once Upon a Time In Wonderland and Sam and Grace from the Shiver Trilogy. 

Cyrus and Alice

          Okay, from those pictures if you do not understand why I ship those two I think you are either blind or heartless, because those two are so freaking adorable together. Literally, that show only had one season, but let me tell you. IT. WAS. PERFECT! I do not understand why that show was cancelled because it makes me sad that I will no longer be able to see their married cuteness. 

Sam and Grace

          The reason why I ship these two so much is a few things. One including that I am completely in love with Sam. He was my first offical fictional boyfriend. I love these two's relationship because it isn't necassarily a "normal" book relationship were the male is always tough and puts up his walls to everyone except his girl. Sam is a very nice and caring character. He is nice to everyone, not only Grace. He can be tough though, I mean for goodness sake he is a freaking werewolf, he has to be tough. 

The rest of my OTP's are Outlaw Queen from Once Upon A Time, Daemon and Katy from The Lux Series, and Aiden and Alex from The Covenant Series. 

Outlaw Queen

          The reasons that I ship these two is because Regina was a horrible and nasty person for the longest time and then all by herself she turned good because she wanted to stop being evil and didn't want people to see her as the evil queen anymore, but because of all of the evil deeds she has done people will always be skeptical about her. Robin is one of the only people in Storybrooke who believe that she is truly good now and has truly changed and he is not scared of her in any way. 

Daemon and Katy

          And then there are these two. Literally...I don't even know how to describe why I love and ship these two, they are just...I don't even know they are just so perfect for each other in every single way and they just...yeah. JUST READ THE BOOKS THEY ARE MY FAVORITEST BOOKS

Alex and Aiden

          Last, but certainly not least there are these two; Alex and Aiden. These two are the forbidden love that everybody loves to read about. Alex is a half blood and Aiden is a pure blood. Halfs and Pure are not supposed to fall in love, it is forbidden. Does that stop them? Nope and you'd be stupid to think that it did. Aiden tries to fight the obvious fact that he is in love with her, because he loves her so much. He knows that if they are together that in the end he won't be harmed, but she will be harmed and taken away because halfs are less than pure. 

So, all in all now yall know that I am an insane fangirl that ships everything.