Monday, September 14, 2015

Merlin A Remedy to Cure All Ills, The Gates Of Avalon, The Beginning OfThe End, and Excalibur

A Remedy To Cure All Ills


          Morgana falls ill and Gaius is brought in to try and heal her, when he is unable to heal her the king seeks help of a physician who just came to Camelot claiming he has a remedy to cure all illnesses.
          The king allows this physician to work on her and he ends up healing her and tells the king the Gaius was wrong and he eventually ends up telling him that Gaius is wrong on a lot of other things gaining the king's trust fast because he cured Morgana. Gaius eventually learns the truth about the physician and finds himself in some pretty deep trouble as he doesn't know what to do. 


          I loved this episode, I find that it was very attention grabbing. Can I just say this, I love Gaius, he is so adorable. Also, I love the fact that he loves Merlin so much and it's just amazing I love him. 

I give this episode a 4 stars out of 5

The Gates of Avalon  


          Morgana has a nightmare one night that a woman is drowning Arthur and the next day that woman shows up in Camelot. 
          The woman who was in Morgana's dreams wants Arthur to fall in love with her and eventually uses magic on him to make him fall In love. Her father and her need Arthur because in order to be granted immortality they need his soul. 


         I didn't like this episode as much as others, but that is probably because of the fangirl within me. I did not ship Arthur with that girl at all and that was pretty much all I could think of while watching this episode. Because when a fangirl, like myself, does not like a ship WE ARE NOT HAPPY UNTIL THAT SHIP IS DESTROYED! 

I would give this episode a 2.5 out of 5 stars. 

The Beginning Of The End 


           In this episode of Merlin there is a young boy who's father was killed because he was practicing magic. The child calls out for Merlin in his head asking him for help. Merlin gets him to a safe place in Morgana's room and they hid the child from the guards. 
           Merlin soon figures out that if the boy lives Arthur's future later on will be troubled by said boy, but instead of letting him die Merlin helps the boy escape and go back to his people. 


           I really enjoyed this episode of Merlin, like a lot. I love when shows do this sort of stuff where they foreshadow I love it. In this episode they foreshadowed at the end with this little boy, they told us his name, and I indeed did have to look up the name, but DAMN! WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!

I give this episode a 4 out of 5 stars



           A sorcerer has brought one of Othur's enemies back to life and when the black knight comes back and challenges whoever picks up the gauntlet to a match to the death everyone who fights him dies. 
           Merlin and Gaius come up with the consensus that he is in fact brought back from the dead and the only way they can defeat this black knight is if they use a magical item. When Merlin goes to talk to the Dragon who is able to forge such a weapon he makes it, but tells Merlin that it is to be used by Arthur and Arthur only and something happens and it isn't used by Arthur


           I think the reason that I loved this episode so much was because it is one of the first episodes where Othur is showing kindness and love towards his son when he refuses to let Arthur fight because he know he will die. 
          Also, Can we admire the Dragon in this show. This dragon is chained down and cannot go anywhere and he has probably been through hell and back, but he still decides to help Merlin keep Arthur, the son of the man who imprisoned him, safe. 

I give this episode a 3.5 out of 5 stars

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