Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Merlin The Mark of Nimueh, The Poisoned Chalice, and Lancelot

Season 1 episode 3 The Mark of Nimueh


          In Episode three, season 1 of Merlin people's skins are turning a shade of blue and they are dying. With Merlin's help they figure out it is the water supply that is poisoning the people of Camelot and there is something called an avank in the water supply. 
          Gwen's father soon grows ill and Merlin heals him, but the king find Gwen guilty of the crime and sentences her to death. Merlin, Arthur, and Morgana all go to defeat the avank and save Gwen from her certain death. 


         I liked, but didn't love this episode of Merlin. I think it was a very interesting episode and it defiantly did keep my attention the whole time I just think that I didn't like the plot line all that much. 
         I will say this, I ship Merlin and Gwen all the way do I ship it. 

I would give this a 3 out of 5 stars 

Season 1 episode 4 The Poisoned Chalice


          In Episode four, season 1 of Merlin there is a powerful sorcerer and she disguises herself as a maid. Camelot has just made a friendship with a kingdom they have been fighting with for ages. The sorcerer decides to trick Merlin by telling him the cup Arthur is about to drink out of is poisoned, which it actually is. 
          Somehow she knew that Merlin would drink out of the poisoned cup, so all this goes to her plan. Merlin get incredibly I'll and Arthur has to go out and collect the leaves of the flower that is making him so I'll in order to cure him, but they aren't easily found. 


          Unlike the last episode, I loved this episode. I think this episode caught my attention much better and it had a much better plot line all together. Plus Arthur is extremely attractive when he is fighting, I have to say. Again, I ship Merlin and Gwen so very much. 

I would give this a 4 out of 5 stars

Season 1 Episode 5 Lancelot


           A Griffin has come to Camelot and it likes to feed on the people of Camelot. Merlin is one of the first people to encounter the Griffin and he was saved by a man named Lancelot who is on his way to try to win the title of a knight. 
          Once Lancelot gets to Camelot him an Merlin soon figure out that he cannot become a knight unless he is of noble blood. They find a way around that, or do they think. 
Merlin and Lancelot figure out that the Griffin can only be killed by magic which the King refuse to believe because he is anti magic. 


           I LOVED this episode. I think this episode was incredible. I also think that Lancelot is very attractive...whoever cast the characters for Merlin has a good eye for attractive men. Arthur, Lancelot, and Merlin are all very attractive. I mean look at them. 

I give this episode a 5 out of 5 stars


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