Saturday, September 26, 2015

Merlin season 1 ~ The Moment of Truth, The Labyrinth of Gedref, To KillThe King, Le Morte d'Arthur

The Moment Of Truth


          Merlin's home village is attracted by warriors looking to steal the villages money and resources like food and such. Once the Warriors attack Merlin's mother seeks out Merlin in Camelot. Once the king, Othur, refuses to help the village because they aren't within his soil Merlin decides to go back and help defend his village. Morgana, Gwen, and Arthur all come along with him even though he never asked. 
          Once they get to the village the villagers decide to fight for their right to keep what they earn. Merlin then has to decide whether he is willing to show Arthur and the villagers his true self to save them, or let the Warriors kill most if not all of them by keeping it a secret. 


          To be honest in this episode Anderson from Sherlock is in it and I love him. I know all you Sherlock fans reading this might hate me for saying this, but I actually really like Anderson...and this episode, because the actor who plays Anderson is in it, made me realize how much I do like Anderson.

I give it a 4 out of 5 stars

The Labyrinth of Gedref



           As you can tell from ^ in this episode of Merlin, Arthur kills a unicorn while hunting and brings a curse upon Camelot and all the villages that are under Othur's rule. 
          Arthur has to undergo tests to prove he is pure of heart before the curse is lifted. If Arthur doesn't pass the test the kingdom will continue to live without food and water. 


          I really did love this episode a lot. It is probably my favorite so far, but that is because I love unicorns. At first when I saw that there were going to be unicorns in it I was scare that they were going to make me scared of unicorns, but they kept them pure of heart and nice which was really amazing. 

I give this episode a 5 out of 5 stars.

To Kill The King


          Gwen's father is caught helping a Toreen so he is sentenced to death even though he didn't know he was working with a sorcerer. Morgana is furious about this because she cares deeply for Gwen. Morgana finds a stone that belongs to the Toreen so she goes and meets them and Morgana then plots to kill Othur with the help of the Toreen so Arthur can reign and make a stop to the killing of people who have to do with magic. 


          This episode was honestly heart breaking for me because I loved Gwen's father and I love Gwen. I am actually starting to ship Gwen with Arthur too. Honestly I will ship Gwen with whoever makes Gwen the happiest because she deserves happiness! I want her to be happy, she needs to be happy, end of story. She is too nice to not be happy. 

I give this episode a 4.5 out of 5 stars

Le Morte d'Arthur


          In this episode of Merlin Arthur is bitten by a Griffin and if you are bitten by a Griffin you are destined to die and there is no cure. Merlin seeks out the help of the dragon and he tells Merlin that a Griffin is made from the old religion, so only something that comes from the old religion can save Arthur from death. 
          Merlin seeks out the Island where the center of the old religion is. When he gets there he soon figures out that the coast to save Arthur's life, is for someone else to die. A life for a life. Merlin then offers his own life in order to save Arthur's. 
          When Merlin gets home from the island he give Arthur the cure and then the next morning something that nobody planned for happens. Merlin and Arthur are both still alive, but someone is dying in Merlin's place and Merlin is not happy about the decision. 


          I literally loved this episode so freaking much. It is probably my favorite. This episode was also a tear jerker, defiantly a tear jerker. There are a total of EIGHT times where the show makes you think someone is going to die. And I thought the directors of Sherlock and Doctor Who were cruel.

I give this episode a 5 out of 5 stars for sure. 

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