Friday, July 31, 2015

I AM NOT OBSESSED! Okay, maybe I am ~ Alex

          Hello! Alex here! Okay, so Today this post is going to be different than other posts. This movie isn't a new movie and it isn't a movie I just saw and I wanted to review it. This my friends, this is my favorite movie ever made. A lot of people now either do not like this movie, or they have never heard of it. This movie was made in 1998 , so give it some credit, they didn't have the best graphics back then. One of the thing I will get out now is this movie IS NOT DISNEY! Everyone always thinks that because it is an animated movie, it is Disney.


          In the beginning of Quest For Camelot the sword Excalibur gets stolen by a Griffin that takes the sword and tries to take it back to his master, Ruber, but when he flies over the Dark Forest he drops it and it gets lost. 
          A girl name Kayley who has always dreamed of becoming a knight now has the perfect opportunity to show she is worthy of the title of knight. Kayley sets off into the Dark Forest to find Excalibur and she enlists the help of a Blind man named Garett and a two headed Dragon named Cornwall and Devon.  


          Personally, I freaking LOVE this movie. I think that this movie is extremely amazing. If this movie was made in this year, as in 2015 I would have been extremely disappointed, but that is because at certain points the graphics in this movie is not the best ever, but considering it was made in 1998, it makes the movie so much better. 
          Can I just say this, if Garett was a real person he would represent EVERY FANGIRL EVER! Garett has a whole song about how he works better alone and when he is secluded. Also, the two headed dragon, Cronwall and Devon, also could represent fangirls because they will do anything for their ship, aka Garett and Kayley. 

In the end I HIGHLY recommend watching this movie because it is SO AMAZING! Plus all the songs are incredible and Kayley and Garett are SOOOOOOO cute together. I mean Look at them. 


I give this movie a 5 out of 5 stars, I wish i could give it more, but sadly my scale only goes up to 5. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Teen Wolf Review~ Episode 502~ Scarlett

          Heyy there :) It's Scarlett. Again. I know. I'm getting better at this blog thing. Yayy haha. (Psych. I started this like the day after my last review. Then life happened). Okay anyway, I'm here to review Teen Wolf again. The second episode of season 5 (Episode 02 + Season 5 = Episode 502. See?), which was technically a bonus episode, aired on Tuesday, June 30th. Before Monday, I will be reviewing episode 503 and 504 as well, so look out for those. Here we go!

          Episode Synopsis:
                     I'm going to try to keep this shorter than the last one. In this episode, the main focus is on this girl named Tracy. She gets night terrors. Like full on, sleep paralysis, night terrors. Except, all of a sudden, these terrors are coming true. She goes to see Lydia's mom for help, and she just passes her off as a normal teen with stress induced dreams. Then she vomits black stuff and feathers all over Mrs. Martin's desk. (Anybody that's seen all the seasons might be with me on this one: My initial reaction was  Mistletoe?? But no, it wasn't). So anyways, Lydia tries to help out Tracy. Meanwhile, we find out Scott is taking AP Bio to help him become a vet. Stiles and Liam follow Theo in the middle of the night because of their mistrust for him, only to find him mourning his sister at the bridge. Yikes, talk about an awkward situation for them. Theo catches them and yeah... awwwkwaaaarrddd. Later on in the episode, Liam finally reveals all the supernatural phooey to Mason, and he officially joins the gang. At the end of the episode, we're still not sure what's happening to Tracy. Is she a werewolf now, too? I guess we'll just have to stay tuned to find out more.

(Sidenote: This ^^  is like one of my favorite moments in TW history. Because it is me with all my friends)

                    I was a little bit more enthusiastic about this episode of Teen Wolf than I was the last one, but not entirely persuaded. In my humble opinion, there's still too much confusion surrounding the Dread Doctors for me to get into it. Some mystery is great, yes, and it leaves the viewer in suspense, but as I watch Season 5, I continuously seem to find myself lost in the extremely tangled plotline. I've got too many questions to actually focus on the plotline at this point, and it's rather frustrating. I'm extremely attached to this group of characters, and, quite frankly, it aggravates me that I can't focus on them because I'm too busy questioning the show as a whole. I hate not understanding things, and I hardcore don't understand what's up with the Dread Doctors. However, as the season progresses, I am finding myself slowly won over by the plotline. I just don't like all the questions that haven't been answered. I continue to hold high hopes for the season. 4 out of 5 stars.

K bye.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Alex Embracing her Inner Child.

          Hello! It is Alex here. BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING! YES, YES I WANT TO SEE THIS MOVIE AND I AM PROUD! I know, this movie is a Disney movie and is probably going to be generated towards younger children, but you know what? I really want to see it.

Synopsis (Taken from Wikipedia ) 

"In the present day idyllic kingdom of Auradon, the benevolent teenaged son of the King and Queen (Beast and Belle from Disney’s iconic "Beauty and the Beast") is poised to take the throne. His first official proclamation: offer a chance at redemption to the trouble-making offspring of Cruella De Vil, Maleficent, The Evil Queen, and Jafar, who have been imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost, a forbidden island where all the other villains, sidekicks, evil step-mothers and step-sisters are placed upon their defeat.
These villainous descendants are allowed into the kingdom to attend prep school alongside the offspring of iconic Disney heroes. However, the evil teens face a dilemma: Should they follow in their nefarious parents’ footsteps and help all the villains regain power by stealing the Fairy Godmother's magic wand, or embrace their innate goodness and save the kingdom?"


To be honest from the synopsis I think this is going to be a really incredible movie. One of the reasons I probably want to see it so badly is because I am obsessed with Once Upon A Time. And this seems like it will be like Once Upon A Time. Anyways, this blog post isn't long because I don't have much to go off of, but I will defiantly review the movie when it comes out. 


Sherlock Season One Episode One ~ A Study In Pink

          Hello Earthlings! It's Alex, I am going to review the first episode of Sherlock, because why not? Sherlock is life. When Sherlock comes back on I will review...the three episodes when they come out because I don't know if you guys know this, but there is three episodes in a season. The good thing is that each episode is an hour and a half though, so it is basically like watching a little movie. BUT WE DONT GET MORE SEASONS FOR TWO YEARS HIIIIIAAAATTTTTUUUUUUSSSSSS!
          In the beginning of this episode we meet a retired Army doctor named John Watson. John is looking for a flat mate. He bumps into one of his old friends who then directs him to a man named Sherlock Holmes. Soon after he meets Sherlock, John figures out that he is a consultant detective. Which means that Sherlock investigates murders that the normal detectives cannot solve.
          In a Study In Pink they are investigating suicides that seem to be linked somehow. Except the last suicide left a note. Basically they ask Sherlock to investigate the "suicides" because they all seem to be taking the same pill and they were all in places they had no reason to be in.


          I personally really enjoyed this episode. A few of the reason I loved it so much was because of stupid humor that every one will enjoy, there is humor that you have to think about to understand and I personally love that. There is also humor in Sherlock that a normal person who hasn't sold their soul to a fandom will understand. 

Some of the humor in Sherlock Consist of

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Teen Wolf Review~ Episode 501~ Scarlett

I started this review on a Friday, but then I got really busy all of a sudden, and it was really unexpected so this review got put on hold. I'm definitely going to be reviewing the episodes more regularly from now on. Sorry babes  :(


          Hiii there lil' weblings! It's Scarlett. You guys don't know this about me, but I am absolutely obsessed with MTV's show Teen Wolf. If you're not familiar with it, it's basically about this average boy who gets bitten by a werewolf and then gets involved in a whole string of odd, supernatural things, and comes to find out most of his friends are supernatural too. Cliché? Think again. The show brilliantly utilizes a wide array of mythological beings, not just your typical vampire werewolf showdowns. The writers pull heavily from Celtic mythology for a while, and then foray more into the world of sci-fi with the premiere of season five, which was on Monday, June 29th, and we were given a bonus episode on Tuesday, June 30th (which will be in a different review).

          I bet you've already realized this, but I'm going to be reviewing the show this season. Now, I won't be reviewing it as it airs, so you guys have time to catch up. On Demand comes out with that week's episode on Thursdays (I believe), so reviewing the episodes on Fridays seems to make sense. I'll also be doing them a week later than the week the episodes aired in because I meant to do this last Friday but I wasn't at home. Sorry :(

          Anyway, onto the review.

          Teen Wolf: Episode 501 (Contains possible spoilers!!!!)

         Episode Synopsis:
                    This episode starts on the eve of the packs' senior year. Scott and  Stiles are having a conversation about the future, and how they plan on everyone staying together. Stiles has coined this idea "the vision" because he's Stiles and he does things like that. Shush I think he's adorable. Anyway, they go and do all the senior traditions and Kira comes back and yay! Everything seems all happy. Yeah no. Think again. Parrish presses Sheriff Stilinski to let him go do something because the power is out and the town is kind of in chaos. The sheriff eventually gives in, and Parrish goes on an adventure (xD). He ends up getting attacked by this power sucking werewolf thing who is looking for Scott. Great. So much for an easygoing senior year. Yada yada yada, some extra stuff happens, and the demon wolf thing finds Scott and his friends at school. It tries to suck up all Scott's power as a true alpha, but fails. Scott sends him running, tail between his legs. No pun intended. Then this kid Theo shows up. Apparently he went to elementary school with Scott and Stiles, except Stiles doesn't think this is actually Theo. Theo is a werewolf and wants to be part of Scott's pack. Scott needs to make up his mind. At the end of the episode, the demon wolf thing goes to this warehouse and is yelled at by some creepy people things in masks. They kill him because he failed his task of eliminating Scott. A whole bunch of crows fly out of the wolf guy's body. Weird, I know.

                    I was a little disappointed in the premiere of this season, to be honest. It was obviously quite good, because Teen Wolf  could never be bad, but, oh, I don't know. It seemed a little choppy and not entirely put together. I think fans of the show expect a lot of action, because that's something the show does, but the writers crammed too much into the first episode. We weren't given enough time to transition back into the show, to reconnect with the characters, it was just BAM all of a sudden everything's happening and we weren't given any time to adjust.

                    I'm also a little let down by the whole supernatural aspect of the show. It's branching more into sci-fi now, and don't get me wrong, I love sci-fi, but that's not what I want when I watch this show. Honestly, after season 3 with the Dar'roch, the show has gone a little downhill. Season four was good, with it's exploration into the human psychosis, and FINALLY something supernatural going on with Stiles, but they're branching away from the fantasy aspect if the show, and that makes me a little sad. I think the writers are running out of ideas revolving around fantasy. Despite that, I hold tight to my faith in the show and hope it gets better.

                      Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars


Monday, July 13, 2015

Branded by Keary Taylor Review

           Hello! Alex here! Okay, so today I will be reviewing Branded by Keary Taylor. I got this book for free on my kindle and it is probably still free so if you would like to buy it after this review it probably still is free.
Summary Time!
          Ever since Jessica was young she has been dreaming of angels. The angels that decide the fate of the dead. Either you are going to Heaven or Hell. Whenever Jessica falls asleep she is forced to be put on trail for people who have died recently.  
          Jessica pretty much has her life all figured out. Except one day her life falls apart or does it get better?
          The elderly couple that Jessica house sits for recently died, so their grandson Alex shows up to inspect the house because everything was left to him when they died.
          Alex then finds Jessica living inside the house and Alex stays at the house for a while drawing the two of them closer together. Alex eventually learns about Jessica's nightmares because she cant stay awake forever can she?
          Honeslty, I am going to give this book a two star review. I personally did not like this book very much. I think it might have been a little bit too rushed. and it kind of ruined basically all angel books for me in the future.
        I didn't hate every single part of it though, I think that is she did not rush the book so much it could have had an amazing plot. If she maybe stretched the first book, Branded and made it two books, it would have been a much better book for readers.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Significance Series Dream Cast

          Okay, so today I will be doing a dream cast, because honestly who doesn't love dream cast? So, what I shall do is I will right the name of the character, and then a description of the character straight from the book, then tell you who I think should play them. Ready?

Caleb- "he was tall, that I'd seen from before and brood, but his hair was brown and shaggy curling around his ears and forehead, and his eyes were light, blue maybe or hazel"

Jeremy Sumpter

Maggie- ""I saw my light brown hair with a little wave at the ends passed my shoulders, I saw my green eyes"

Georgie Henley 

Kyle- "He was nice looking. No movie star stud, just normal, light brown hair, brown eyes nice guy"

Finn Harries

Lynne- "Blonde hair" (There really isn't a lot of descriptions about her, so I'll just let you know I imagine her as short and has short hair)

Issi Durant

Seth- " His hair was black...he was tan" and it says he has blue eyes.

Ava- "Dark hair, Brown Eyes"

Jenn Proske

Bish-"Big, Beefy, Tan, Dark haired"

Channing Tatum

Peter- "He was tall and broad with brown hair"

Alexander Skarsgard

Marcus- "Black haired and Tall" 

Milo Ventimiglia

Sikes- "His hair and eyes were dark and he couldnt be more than 45"

Colin O'Donoghue

Rachel- "A pretty petite woman with brown hair"

Kate Beckinsale

Gran- "Large woman with Gray and brown hair"

Maggie Smith

Chad- " Black hair... his tan skin and brown eyes with his lean Friday night football arms."

Rodrigo Guirao

Beck- "I turned the corner [and] I saw her flames of red curls"

Ebba Zingmark

Sorry that was so long, but you know, there was a lot of characters and my list doesn't even include  all of the main characters from Undeniably Chosen. I got lazy, but here is your really REALLY long list see you later for my next review!