Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Teen Wolf Review~ Episode 501~ Scarlett

I started this review on a Friday, but then I got really busy all of a sudden, and it was really unexpected so this review got put on hold. I'm definitely going to be reviewing the episodes more regularly from now on. Sorry babes  :(


          Hiii there lil' weblings! It's Scarlett. You guys don't know this about me, but I am absolutely obsessed with MTV's show Teen Wolf. If you're not familiar with it, it's basically about this average boy who gets bitten by a werewolf and then gets involved in a whole string of odd, supernatural things, and comes to find out most of his friends are supernatural too. Cliché? Think again. The show brilliantly utilizes a wide array of mythological beings, not just your typical vampire werewolf showdowns. The writers pull heavily from Celtic mythology for a while, and then foray more into the world of sci-fi with the premiere of season five, which was on Monday, June 29th, and we were given a bonus episode on Tuesday, June 30th (which will be in a different review).

          I bet you've already realized this, but I'm going to be reviewing the show this season. Now, I won't be reviewing it as it airs, so you guys have time to catch up. On Demand comes out with that week's episode on Thursdays (I believe), so reviewing the episodes on Fridays seems to make sense. I'll also be doing them a week later than the week the episodes aired in because I meant to do this last Friday but I wasn't at home. Sorry :(

          Anyway, onto the review.

          Teen Wolf: Episode 501 (Contains possible spoilers!!!!)

         Episode Synopsis:
                    This episode starts on the eve of the packs' senior year. Scott and  Stiles are having a conversation about the future, and how they plan on everyone staying together. Stiles has coined this idea "the vision" because he's Stiles and he does things like that. Shush I think he's adorable. Anyway, they go and do all the senior traditions and Kira comes back and yay! Everything seems all happy. Yeah no. Think again. Parrish presses Sheriff Stilinski to let him go do something because the power is out and the town is kind of in chaos. The sheriff eventually gives in, and Parrish goes on an adventure (xD). He ends up getting attacked by this power sucking werewolf thing who is looking for Scott. Great. So much for an easygoing senior year. Yada yada yada, some extra stuff happens, and the demon wolf thing finds Scott and his friends at school. It tries to suck up all Scott's power as a true alpha, but fails. Scott sends him running, tail between his legs. No pun intended. Then this kid Theo shows up. Apparently he went to elementary school with Scott and Stiles, except Stiles doesn't think this is actually Theo. Theo is a werewolf and wants to be part of Scott's pack. Scott needs to make up his mind. At the end of the episode, the demon wolf thing goes to this warehouse and is yelled at by some creepy people things in masks. They kill him because he failed his task of eliminating Scott. A whole bunch of crows fly out of the wolf guy's body. Weird, I know.

                    I was a little disappointed in the premiere of this season, to be honest. It was obviously quite good, because Teen Wolf  could never be bad, but, oh, I don't know. It seemed a little choppy and not entirely put together. I think fans of the show expect a lot of action, because that's something the show does, but the writers crammed too much into the first episode. We weren't given enough time to transition back into the show, to reconnect with the characters, it was just BAM all of a sudden everything's happening and we weren't given any time to adjust.

                    I'm also a little let down by the whole supernatural aspect of the show. It's branching more into sci-fi now, and don't get me wrong, I love sci-fi, but that's not what I want when I watch this show. Honestly, after season 3 with the Dar'roch, the show has gone a little downhill. Season four was good, with it's exploration into the human psychosis, and FINALLY something supernatural going on with Stiles, but they're branching away from the fantasy aspect if the show, and that makes me a little sad. I think the writers are running out of ideas revolving around fantasy. Despite that, I hold tight to my faith in the show and hope it gets better.

                      Overall Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars


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