Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sherlock Season One Episode One ~ A Study In Pink

          Hello Earthlings! It's Alex, I am going to review the first episode of Sherlock, because why not? Sherlock is life. When Sherlock comes back on I will review...the three episodes when they come out because I don't know if you guys know this, but there is three episodes in a season. The good thing is that each episode is an hour and a half though, so it is basically like watching a little movie. BUT WE DONT GET MORE SEASONS FOR TWO YEARS HIIIIIAAAATTTTTUUUUUUSSSSSS!
          In the beginning of this episode we meet a retired Army doctor named John Watson. John is looking for a flat mate. He bumps into one of his old friends who then directs him to a man named Sherlock Holmes. Soon after he meets Sherlock, John figures out that he is a consultant detective. Which means that Sherlock investigates murders that the normal detectives cannot solve.
          In a Study In Pink they are investigating suicides that seem to be linked somehow. Except the last suicide left a note. Basically they ask Sherlock to investigate the "suicides" because they all seem to be taking the same pill and they were all in places they had no reason to be in.


          I personally really enjoyed this episode. A few of the reason I loved it so much was because of stupid humor that every one will enjoy, there is humor that you have to think about to understand and I personally love that. There is also humor in Sherlock that a normal person who hasn't sold their soul to a fandom will understand. 

Some of the humor in Sherlock Consist of

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