Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Teen Wolf Review~ Episode 502~ Scarlett

          Heyy there :) It's Scarlett. Again. I know. I'm getting better at this blog thing. Yayy haha. (Psych. I started this like the day after my last review. Then life happened). Okay anyway, I'm here to review Teen Wolf again. The second episode of season 5 (Episode 02 + Season 5 = Episode 502. See?), which was technically a bonus episode, aired on Tuesday, June 30th. Before Monday, I will be reviewing episode 503 and 504 as well, so look out for those. Here we go!

          Episode Synopsis:
                     I'm going to try to keep this shorter than the last one. In this episode, the main focus is on this girl named Tracy. She gets night terrors. Like full on, sleep paralysis, night terrors. Except, all of a sudden, these terrors are coming true. She goes to see Lydia's mom for help, and she just passes her off as a normal teen with stress induced dreams. Then she vomits black stuff and feathers all over Mrs. Martin's desk. (Anybody that's seen all the seasons might be with me on this one: My initial reaction was  Mistletoe?? But no, it wasn't). So anyways, Lydia tries to help out Tracy. Meanwhile, we find out Scott is taking AP Bio to help him become a vet. Stiles and Liam follow Theo in the middle of the night because of their mistrust for him, only to find him mourning his sister at the bridge. Yikes, talk about an awkward situation for them. Theo catches them and yeah... awwwkwaaaarrddd. Later on in the episode, Liam finally reveals all the supernatural phooey to Mason, and he officially joins the gang. At the end of the episode, we're still not sure what's happening to Tracy. Is she a werewolf now, too? I guess we'll just have to stay tuned to find out more.

(Sidenote: This ^^  is like one of my favorite moments in TW history. Because it is me with all my friends)

                    I was a little bit more enthusiastic about this episode of Teen Wolf than I was the last one, but not entirely persuaded. In my humble opinion, there's still too much confusion surrounding the Dread Doctors for me to get into it. Some mystery is great, yes, and it leaves the viewer in suspense, but as I watch Season 5, I continuously seem to find myself lost in the extremely tangled plotline. I've got too many questions to actually focus on the plotline at this point, and it's rather frustrating. I'm extremely attached to this group of characters, and, quite frankly, it aggravates me that I can't focus on them because I'm too busy questioning the show as a whole. I hate not understanding things, and I hardcore don't understand what's up with the Dread Doctors. However, as the season progresses, I am finding myself slowly won over by the plotline. I just don't like all the questions that haven't been answered. I continue to hold high hopes for the season. 4 out of 5 stars.

K bye.

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