Monday, June 22, 2015

Conspiracy Theories- Scarlett

          Well hello there! Been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry; my life has been very hectic lately. That being said, I haven't had a lot of time to read, or write, or go to the movies, or really do anything fandom related. But I knew I had to post or you guys would think I died. I didn't. Anyway, I couldn't think of anything very fandom related to put up here at first, so it took a little thinking. Then it hit me: What are two things people tend to love? Conspiracy theories and cross-overs. So I've come up with two I think you'll like.

Disney's Cinderella/Disney's Nanny McPhee:

                         Some Background:

           Alex and I saw the new Cinderella movie together a while ago, and Nanny McPhee is an old favorite of mine. Therefore, no one was very surprised when I noticed that Cinderella's attic bedroom was the same as the attic bedroom in Nanny McPhee. Thus, my theory was born.

                          The Theory:

          What if, since Cinderella forgives the evil step-mother in the end, the stepmother has a change of heart, and then she like, goes around teaching children to be as loving, charitable, and courageous as Cinderella is, because Cinderella is kind to everybody, even somebody who had as many flaws as Nanny McPhee. The step-mother goes on and on in life, trying to become worthy of the kindness and forgiveness Cinderella bestowed upon her, making up for her cruelty by becoming kind and well-tempered too. She then continues her cause by teaching other people to be kind and well-mannered as well. The family she meets in the movie is one of the step-sister's (either Drusella or Anastasia, it doesn't particularly matter), but because the mother (as in, the step-sister) is dead, Nanny McPhee is obviously sad, and tries especially hard to help that family out, as a respect to her daughter, who also changed for the better because of Cinderella. Also, Aunt Adelaide could be a sibling of the prince whom Cinderella marries, hence why she comes from wealth.

          So there's that one.

          The second theory I came up with is a crossover between two separate franchises, not just Disney crossed with Disney. In fact, this is a crossover of two separate things entirely.

          Books/Movies and Music.

         The twenty-one pilots song Migraine/Veronica Roth's book-turned-movie Divergent:

                        Some background:

          The first time I read Divergent was about 4 years ago, at the start of the 6th grade. I loved it (but really, who didn't?). About halfway through 6th grade, I discovered the wonder that is the band "twenty-one pilots". I became instantly hooked. However, even though I discovered those two things within a close vicinity of each other, it took me until a couple of weeks ago to put two and two together: The song Migraine is totally about Divergent.

                         The Theory:
          Born Amity, tested Divergent (Amity, Dauntless, Erudite, Candor), switched to Dauntless. Kinda sounds like Beatrice Prior, huh? Only difference, she was born Abnegation instead of Amity. So maybe there's a hole in my theory. Or maybe it's a creative difference.
          Hear me out. I'm not crazy.
          Let's take an investigative look at some of the song lyrics, shall we?
          Yes, we shall.

          "Am I the only one I know/ Waging my wars/ Behind my face/ And above my throat/"-Representative of the mental indecision that comes with having to choose your lifelong faction.

          "Let it be said/ What the headache represents/ It's me defending in suspense/ It's me suspended in a defenseless/ Test being tested/ By a ruthless examiner/ That's represented best by/ My depressing thoughts/" -Like the actual and legitimate test (with the dog and the knife and whatnot).

          "Shadows will scream that I'm alone/ But I know we've made it this far/" -Born Amity, naturally finding the silver lining to bad situations and staying positive.

          "I am not as fine as I seem/ Pardon/ Me for yelling/ I'm telling you/" -Candor, unable to keep the truth hidden.

          "Green gardens/ Are not what's growing in my psyche/ It's a different me/" -Shows that they were born Amity, but don't truly belong there (Amity=Farmers, green gardens, you feel?).

          "Let me paint/ A mental picture portrait/ Something you won't forget/" -Erudite and their ability to share and retain information.

          "How it is a fort that/ Holds back contents/ That make Pandora's box contents/ Look non-violent/ Behind my eyelids/ Are islands/ Of violence/ My mind's shipwrecked/ ... / Full of tidal waves/ Suicidal crazed lions/ ... /  I know that I can fight/ ... /  I begin to assemble/ What weapons I can find/" -Dauntless, and their love of danger.

          "Keep it frozen/ And know that/ Life has a hopeful undertone/" -Again with the whole Amity-optimistic-sugarcoating-ness.

          "Sometimes to stay alive/ You've gotta kill your mind/" -Refusal to choose Erudite because the faction is evidently corrupt and/or pretending to be compliant and not divergent to avoid being killed during the war.

          See? I told you I'm not crazy.

                                                                         Signing off,
                                                                                  Scarlett <3

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