Sunday, June 28, 2015

Undeniably Chosen Review

         Hello! Alex here! Today I am going to be reviewing Undeniably Chosen by Shelly Crane. This is sort of a branch of novel of the Significance Series, but then again it is also apart of it, it's confusing so here let me unconfused you with an explanation.
          Okay, so what Shelly Crane did was she wrote the books up to Consequences in Maggie and Caleb point of view, telling there story. Then what she did was she wrote Undeniably Chosen which follows Ava and Seth's story. Make sense? Okay, good. ONTO THE SUMMARY!

Summary Time!

          Ava has been waiting her whole entire life for the man that she can call her significance. Every reunification she would look at all the children just basically studying all of them guessing which one will become her significance. What she doesn't know is he has never been to a reunification thanks to Ava's mother Maggie.
         Seth's mother was killed by the Watson's as soon as Seth was born, so Seth was raised as a Watson. He has always waited for his significance even though he technically shouldn't have one because he is originally a human, but still he waits.
          One day both of their waiting is over. One is late, One is early. They touch hands and then BOOM ! they are significances. They are only able to cherish it for a few moments because they then notice that they are supposed to hate each other. How can you hate your significance?
         This may sound like a Romeo and Juilet story, but I assure you it isn't. It is nothing like that tragic story. Seth and Ava have to learn how to live with the challenges this purposes, but they live and love together.

          Honestly, I think this book was amazing, but it also could have been better, I would give it a 3 and a half stars out of five. There were some parts in the book that weren't the best to read, but then other parts were absolutely incredible and filled with suspense.   

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