Monday, August 3, 2015

Teen Wolf Review~ Episode 503~ Scarlett

          Greetings earthling. It's Scarlett. I bet you caught on from the title, but anyway, this is my review for Teen Wolf, Season 5, Episode 03. So here goes nothing.

         I've decided I'm starting this post off with a little Stiles appreciation, because he is the literal embodiment of my soul, and I have a feeling I'm not the only one.

         Okay, now that that's out of my system... ON TO THE REVIEW!

          Episode Synopsis:
                    Okay, so we all know how much I suck at keeping things short, but I'm really going to try this time. In episode 503 of Teen Wolf, Kira is being all kick-ass (but really, when is she not?). Also, this character Donovan tries to kill the sheriff. Like, he shouts it across the police station in front of Stiles and a bunch of officers. Yeah. Fun part though, Tracy's dad is Donovan's lawyer. Anyway, Donovan's prison transport vehicle is attacked by none other than our beloved, psychotic little Tracy. She kills her father and a police officer, and Donovan gets away. It's clear at this point that Tracy is supernatural, but we still don't know what. Later on in the episode, Tracy begins to attack all the people who tried to help her with her night terrors, including Lydia's mom, who was on a date with Sheriff Stilinski. Lydia and Malia step in to save the day, but Lydia is severely injured. Anyway, Tracy basically dies. I think. I really wasn't clear on that. Turns out, she's a kanima, just like Jackson from season 1.

                    A small amount of my faith in the show has returned, as more of my incessant questions were answered. I'm still rather confused, but it was with this episode that I really became more drawn into this season. The writers strayed back into the fantasy aspect slightly, though the season's sci-fi aspects are still prevalent, and that pleases me. All in all, probably the best episode so far this season. Is 4 and a quarter stars a thing?? I don't know, but it is now. 4.25 out of 5 stars. Later lovelies.

                                   PS. Sorry. They didn't have the Mario stars :/

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