Saturday, August 29, 2015

Merlin The Dragon's Call, Valiant ~ Alex

          Okay, So There are so many episodes of Merlin so what I have decided to do is review them as I watch them. Like say I watch four episodes in a row without being able to blog so I would write a blog post about those four episodes. Make sense?
So, Last night I watched the first two Episodes of Merlin. The Dragon's Call and Valiant. 

The Dragon's Call


          The first episode of Merlin starts off with Merlin coming to Camelot. The first thing he sees is someone be killed for using magic. A witch then comes and confronts the king in front of everyone. She threatens to kill the king's son because he killed her son. "An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth" is what she uttered. 
          After that everything settled down a little bit and Merlin went to the place where he was originally sent to Camelot to go to go. When Merlin shows up there he ends up having to use his magic to save the man he is intended to work for. Throughout the episode Merlin struggles with the law of "no using magic". Eventually the witch who threatened to kill the prince comes back, but in disguise. 

          This being my first episode of Merlin that I have watched, personally I loved it. As you can tell from the fact that I kept watching the show. I have come up with a theory that I just have an obsession with Arthur and Camelot and such, because as you saw from my previous review of Quest For Camelot, I am OBSESSED with that, so it only makes sense to be obsessed with this too right? 
          Anyways, I love the character of Arthur AND Merlin. I find both of them attractive, I mean look at these beautiful men. 



          Merlin has now become Prince Arthur's Servant because he saved Arthur's life when a witch (See in last synopsis) tried to kill Arthur. Prince Arthur has entered in a sword fighting Tournament where he is soaring right on up to "first place" as you would put it. Basically, he kept winning sword fights. 
          The man who in the end he is to face has been found to be cheating the whole time by using a magical shield that has the snakes that are painted on them come to life when the person holding the shield, or whoever says a spell. 


          Again, I loved this episode of Merlin. In the first episode I will admit I did not take a liking to Prince Arthur because he was very full of himself, but in this episode he is definitely getting better with his attitude towards Merlin. I will probably always love Merlin though. 
          I think that these episodes are very well written, the only thing I have to say is I don't really think it follows the original myths of Merlin and Arthur, but the thing is there are so many different versions of each myth so maybe the show Merlin is based off of a version of the myth I have not heard of. But even if they made up their own myth by keeping the basis of each character it'll still be okay, because again it is a myth. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Heroes Of Olympus Dream Cast

          Hey Guys! Alex here. Okay, I few things. 1.) We are not going to be posting as often because the school year has now started and we are both in high school. 2) I am not going to finish reviewing Sherlock. I have a good reason. I do not want to watch the last episode of Sherlock because I do not want to be left on a cliffhanger. 3) I will be reviewing Merlin next and I will add in book reviews every now and then when I finish a book. 

          Okay, so I was going through the notes in my phone and I found this dream cast. I do not remember when I made this dream cast or who I made it with, but I made it and the actors/actresses make sense for each of the characters. I am sorry that this is not like the last dream cast where I went back into the book and I found the specific descriptions of each character, I just do not feel like doing that here. 

Jason Grace - Alex Pettyfer

Percy Jackson - Logan Lerman

Leo Valdez - Robert Sheehan

Piper - Naya Rivera

Annabeth Chase - Alexandra Daddrio

Hazel - Keke Palmer 

Nico - Nicholas Hoult

Coach Hedge - Jack Nicholson

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Sherlock season 2 episode 3 ~ The Reichenbach Fall

The Reichenbach Fall


          Moriarty is back and he is in jail. He was caught stealing the Crown Jewels in the beginning of the episode, Sherlock testifies against Moriarty, but in the end he is let free because of something he did. 
          Sherlock is investigating kidnaps, which Moriarty orchestrated to try and get people to think Sherlock is making the crimes up himself and making them happen. 
          In the end even when Sherlock thinks he has the whole thing figured out Moriarty twists the whole thing around and we figure out Sherlock is wrong. Moriarty then tells him that the only way to save his friends is if he jumps off the building and Moriarty's fun men see him fall to his death. 

Yes guys, that is where I am leaving this summary, watch the episode to figure out what happens


          I actually liked this episode. The reason I liked this episode so much is because you had to really think while watching this one. Like with all the other episodes you could think and try to figure it out, but with this one you REALLY had to think. 
          I also love Moriarty. To be honest in the end of this episode I cried because of the thing that happened. 

I give this episode a 4.5 out of 5 stars

Monday, August 17, 2015

Sherlock season 2 episode 2 ~ The Hounds of Baskerville

          By the way I am sorry to all you Sherlock fans out there who are reading this. I love Sherlock, I really do I find this show hilarious and a really good show all together, I just hated this episode. I do not like being scared.  

The Hounds Of Baskerville 


          In this episode of Sherlock a man comes to Sherlock where he believes several years ago his father was killed by a genetically mutated hound from Baskerville. Sherlock goes to investigate these hounds of Baskerville even though at first he does not believe the man. Then Sherlock sees the hound for himself and in the first time in Sherlock's life he is afraid.


          I personally did not like this episode at all. I do not like being scared and this episode just scared me completely, so I did not like it at all. I believe this episode was the episode that made me start not wanting to finish Sherlock. 

I give this episode a 2 out of 5 stars. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sherlock Season 2 Episode 1 ~ A Scandal in Belgravia

 A Scandal in Belgravia

          In this episode of Sherlock Irene Adler has taken photo's of someone of importance. Photo's that she could use as blackmail later on. Sherlock is then sent to get those pictures from her. Then a bunch of things happen and it is no longer that simple. 


          I did like this episode of Sherlock, I have to admit, I do love Sherlock, but it is not my favorite show ever. Like I have been stalling to write these reviews because I just don't want to. I think the reason I don't love it all that much is because you only get three episodes every two years and I do not agree with that. Every other TV show releases around 13 45 minute episodes every year which is a lot more time than what Sherlock gives us in the same amount of time. I am not saying that the show is amazing, I just don't like how they are released, but that is just my personal opinion. 

I give this episode a 4 out of 5 stars

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sherlock Season 1 Episode 3 ~ The Great Game

          Hello! Alex here to review the third episode of the BBC show Sherlock. Aka The last episode of the first season. I feel so bad for all the people who had to wait three years to get the next episode, I personally had to wait like a day and it was so awful. 

The Great Game


          In this episode of Sherlock there is a murderer who is playing games with Sherlock. The murder makes an exact replica of the phone from the episode A Study In Pink and he makes innocent people call Sherlock telling him a message while they are about to die if they make the wrong move. 
Sherlock now has to figure out how he is going to save each person and figure out who is playing mind games with him. 


          I absolutely LOVED this episode of Sherlock. I know Morairty is a villain I get that but he is so hilarious. I think the reason I find him so hilarious is because of his voices. I highly recommend watching Sherlock. Even if you aren't into mysteries watch it because of the AMAZING humor. I'm serious. Go watch it, watch it now. 

                                               I give this episode a 4 out of 5 star rating 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sherlock Season One Episode Two ~The Blind Banker Review


          Hello! Alex here, today I will be reviewing Sherlock Season one Episode 2 ~ The Blind Banker. Sorry this post isn't really that long, I am only reviewing one episode so it won't be very much here.


          In this episode of Sherlock there is symbols being spray painted in many different places, meant for different people. The detectives deem the murders of each person to be suicides. But Sherlock decides to investigate each murder and figure out is was in fact a murder and now he is trying to figure out who the spray painting murderer is. 


          I think that this episode probably wasn't my favorite episode ever, but it definitely wasn't boring. With Sherlock, I have found that personally it is one of those shows that I can't re-watch. With some people they can. Like one of my friends has seen every episode like 6 times each, but with me I feel like it'll be a one time thing. 

I give this episode of Sherlock a 3.5 stars out of 5 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Teen Wolf Review~ Episode 503~ Scarlett

          Greetings earthling. It's Scarlett. I bet you caught on from the title, but anyway, this is my review for Teen Wolf, Season 5, Episode 03. So here goes nothing.

         I've decided I'm starting this post off with a little Stiles appreciation, because he is the literal embodiment of my soul, and I have a feeling I'm not the only one.

         Okay, now that that's out of my system... ON TO THE REVIEW!

          Episode Synopsis:
                    Okay, so we all know how much I suck at keeping things short, but I'm really going to try this time. In episode 503 of Teen Wolf, Kira is being all kick-ass (but really, when is she not?). Also, this character Donovan tries to kill the sheriff. Like, he shouts it across the police station in front of Stiles and a bunch of officers. Yeah. Fun part though, Tracy's dad is Donovan's lawyer. Anyway, Donovan's prison transport vehicle is attacked by none other than our beloved, psychotic little Tracy. She kills her father and a police officer, and Donovan gets away. It's clear at this point that Tracy is supernatural, but we still don't know what. Later on in the episode, Tracy begins to attack all the people who tried to help her with her night terrors, including Lydia's mom, who was on a date with Sheriff Stilinski. Lydia and Malia step in to save the day, but Lydia is severely injured. Anyway, Tracy basically dies. I think. I really wasn't clear on that. Turns out, she's a kanima, just like Jackson from season 1.

                    A small amount of my faith in the show has returned, as more of my incessant questions were answered. I'm still rather confused, but it was with this episode that I really became more drawn into this season. The writers strayed back into the fantasy aspect slightly, though the season's sci-fi aspects are still prevalent, and that pleases me. All in all, probably the best episode so far this season. Is 4 and a quarter stars a thing?? I don't know, but it is now. 4.25 out of 5 stars. Later lovelies.

                                   PS. Sorry. They didn't have the Mario stars :/